Ruby Performance 2014


Last year I posted a comparison of various Ruby VMs and how fast they could process N empty jobs. This is the equivalent of pumping out “Hello World” responses in an app server: it’s not very useful for application developers but it’s far more useful than a microbenchmark in determining real Ruby VM performance. Let’s take a look at the most popular three versions available today: MRI 2.1.1, MRI 2.0.0 and JRuby 1.7.11.

Time required to process 50,000 empty jobs with a single Sidekiq process running 25 threads.


  With Logging
  46 sec

  67 sec
  50 sec

  70 sec
  33 sec

  51 sec


Like last year, JRuby continues to dominate in raw runtime performance. 2.1.1 shows a small performance advantage over 2.0.

“With Logging” shows some interesting data: just logging the start and finish times of the jobs to the global logger proves to be a major performance hit. The reason is that Ruby’s Logger contains an internal Mutex to ensure that data is logged to the stream atomically. This Mutex becomes a source of contention when 25 threads are processing those no-op jobs. Your first impression might be to optimize the Logger but this is a red herring! During normal execution the logger won’t be as heavily contented because your jobs are actually doing work.


The actual code is here.

Run on a late 2013 MBP retina with 2.8Ghz Core i7 with 2 cores running on battery. Defaults were used for everything.

java version “1.7.0_45”
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_45-b18)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.45-b08, mixed mode)