Railsconf 2020 Virtual Hallway


I love Rubyconf and Railsconf. I’ve attended every one in the last 7 years and was super excited to learn that Railsconf would be held in my home town of Portland this year.

/play sadtrombone

Alas, the virus struck and Railsconf was cancelled. Railsconf 2020.2 Couch Edition was announced but my favorite part of conferences is the hallway track: meeting old friends in person, making new friends, talking about our lives and crazy ideas we have to make Ruby and open source better.

The Virtual Hallway Track™

I thought: if we can have a virtual conf, why not have a virtual hallway track? Jump into a video chat with other Rubyists, introduce yourself and tell us something:

I’ve created a few video chat rooms, each room has a 12 person limit. Follow me on Twitter if you want to get reminders and updates during the day.

Tues, May 5th all day, drop in and drop out whenever, hallways are random!

Honeybadger is running another virtual hallway here:

If the first room is full, jump into the next one! I will try to be in a room at the top of each hour during my work day (9am-4pm Pacific).


Here’s some tips to make the rooms as useful as possible:

Good luck and have fun!