Sponsoring Hanami
I’m happy to announce a substantial $12,000 grant to the Hanami framework. I’ve been a massive believer in Open Source software since publishing my first open source project in 1995. There’s nothing more empowering than direct access to the exact source code needed to solve a problem.

But Ruby has a problem: it’s mostly a monoculture around Rails. Merb and Sinatra provided valuable app framework options in the past, I believe we need new options for the future.
That’s where I want to put my money where my mouth is. As the project leader, Tim Riley is preparing to dedicate significantly more time to Hanami, supported by Ruby businesses. I’ve signed on a major sponsor and I hope other Ruby-based organizations will see the benefit of supporting Tim and Hanami through OpenCollective.
Hanami 2.2 shipped recently with database ORM and migration support, including a very interesting advantage: the “N+1 query” problem is impossible with Hanami’s ORM layer. There are no lazy loaded associations, unlike Active Record, which means you never have to worry about a sudden regression in database calls and page performance, a common issue with Rails apps.
Are you building a brand new Ruby app? Try Hanami’s Getting Started guide and see what you think.
A diverse ecosystem is a healthy ecosystem. May one thousand cherry blossoms bloom. 🌸